Topic outline

  • Upcoming Assessment Courses

    Visit our Learning Zone and search to book on any of the courses below using the course title or suggested keywords.

    Click here to view our upcoming Primary Assessment courses.
    Click here to view our upcoming Secondary Assessment courses.
  • Our latest Assessment training offers

    The training delivery model for individual courses is identified in the course titles on the Learning Zone as follows:

    Webinar – virtual training via Microsoft Teams
    Blended – courses that are a mixture of virtual and face to face training
    No categorisation – venue based training

    For any queries regarding our training offer, please contact

    For any course booking queries, please contact

    • Primary

      Upcoming Primary Assessment Learning Opportunities:

      To search for a specific course, type the course title or keywords in the 'Find Learning' box.

      Autumn Term 2024

      Using Question Level Analysis (QLA) to Drive Strategic School Improvement 24-25

      19 September 2024

      Keyword Search: Question Level

      This course will support senior leaders alongside maths and English leads to gain additional insight into pupil performance through focusing on question level analysis of the KS2 SATS.  Leaders will be able to review and address areas of need in order to refine strategic plans and ensure that all children make good progress throughout the year in English and mathematics.

      Price: Sub £260 / SLA £145 / Full £312

      Autumn 1 - 24-25 Primary Assessment Network (Webinar)

      30 September 2024

      Keyword Search: Autumn Assessment

      Termly network meetings for headteachers and leaders with responsibility for supporting assessment, recording and reporting in the school at both KS1 and KS2.

      Price: Sub £40 / SLA £25 / Full £48

      Supporting Transition and Assessment for Learning in Year 3 

      2 October 2024

      Keyword Search: Supporting Transition

      A one-day course for Year 3 class teachers to support transition from KS1 post statutory assessments. With the removal of statutory assessments in reading, writing and mathematics at KS1, Year 3 teachers will be supported to understand the expectations of the KS1 curriculum and how to strengthen and build on these across the autumn term. Teachers will be supported to review current outcomes, identify key priorities and plan to address these so that pupils are able to successfully access and progress within the Year 3 curriculum.

      Price: Sub £190 / SLA £115 / Full £228

      Securing Progress and Attainment in Lower KS2 - Part 1 

      14 October 2024, 28 January 2025
      (Part 2 – 29 April 2025)

      Keyword Search: Progress Attainment

      A three-session course for teachers in lower KS2 to support progress and attainment in maths and English.

      Following the removal of statutory assessment in KS1, this course is focused on curriculum planning, as well as aspects of teaching and learning, to support the progress of all children in years three and four by exploring and reverse engineering the six-term journey from end of Y2 to the start of upper KS2.  Delegates will explore the demands of the KS1 curriculum, how to build on this and the key priorities to secure in English and maths and develop pupil profiles to support confident professional conversations around progress and attainment.

      This course is designed to strengthen future progress and attainment at the end of KS2.

      Price: Sub £440 / SLA £280 / Full £528

      (Part 1 - Sub £294 / SLA £190 / Full £352)

      (Part 2 - Sub £146 / SLA £90 / Full - £176)

      End of Key Stage Assessment for Teachers New to Year 6 - 24-25

      17 October 2024

      Keyword Search: Key Stage Assessment

      A comprehensive coverage of issues and information relating to end of Key Stage 2 assessment, including a detailed review of the statutory tests. A one-day course for teachers undertaking end of Key Stage 2 statutory assessment for the first time OR those who have not been in Year 6 since 2015.

      Price: Sub £245 / SLA £170 / Full £294

      Life After Key Stage 1 Statutory Assessment 24-25

      Part 1 - 5 November 2024 and 25 February 2025
      (Part 2 - 20 May 2025)

      Keyword Search: Life After Assessment

      This course is designed to support Y2 teachers in the first year after the removal of KS1 statutory assessment. Offering CPD at three strategic points in the year, this course will focus class teachers on evaluating the progress and attainment of their students across the academic year 2024/2025 to support reporting to parents, as well as facilitating a smooth transition to KS2.

      Price: Sub £365 / SLA £205 / Full £438

      (Part 1 – Sub £244 / SLA £140 / Full £292)

      (Part 2 – Sub £121 / SLA £65 / Full £146)

      Autumn 2 - 24-25 Primary Assessment Network

      Keyword Search: Autumn 24-25 Assessment

      Termly network meetings for headteachers and leaders with responsibility for supporting assessment, recording and reporting in the school at both KS1 and KS2.

      18 November 2024     Basingstoke and Deane

      18 November 2024     Fareham and Gosport

      18 November 2024     New Forest and Test Valley

      19 November 2024     Winchester and Eastleigh

      19 November 2024     Hart and Rushmoor

      19 November 2024     Havant and East Hants

      Price: Sub £80 / SLA £45 / Full £96

      Spring Term 2025

      End of Key Stage Assessment for Teachers New to Year 6 - 24-25 

      14 January 2025

      Keyword Search: Key Stage Assessment

      A comprehensive coverage of issues and information relating to end of Key Stage 2 assessment, including a detailed review of the statutory tests. A one-day course for teachers undertaking end of Key Stage 2 statutory assessment for the first time OR those who have not been in Year 6 since 2015.

      Price: Sub £245 / SLA £170 / Full £294

      Summer Term 2025

      Securing Progress and Attainment in Lower KS2 - Part 1

      29 April 2025
      (Part 1 - 14 October 2024, 28 January 2025

      Keyword Search: Progress Attainment

      A three-session course for teachers in lower KS2 to support progress and attainment in maths and English. Following the removal of statutory assessment in KS1, this course is focused on curriculum planning, as well as aspects of teaching and learning, to support the progress of all children in years three and four by exploring and reverse engineering the six-term journey from end of Y2 to the start of upper KS2.  Delegates will explore the demands of the KS1 curriculum, how to build on this and the key priorities to secure in English and maths and develop pupil profiles to support confident professional conversations around progress and attainment. This course is designed to strengthen future progress and attainment at the end of KS2.

      Price: Sub £440 / SLA £280 / Full £528

      (Part 1 - Sub £294 / SLA £190 / Full £352)

      (Part 2 - Sub £146 / SLA £90 / Full - £176)

      Life After Key Stage 1 Statutory Assessment 24-25

      Part 2 – 20 May 2025
      (Part 1 – 5 November 2024 and 25 February 2025)

      Keyword Search: Life After Assessment

      This course is designed to support Y2 teachers in the first year after the removal of KS1 statutory assessment. Offering CPD at three strategic points in the year, this course will focus class teachers on evaluating the progress and attainment of their students across the academic year 2024/2025 to support reporting to parents, as well as facilitating a smooth transition to KS2.

      Price: Sub £365 / SLA £205 / Full £438

      (Part 1 – Sub £244 / SLA £140 / Full £292)

      (Part 2 – Sub £121 / SLA £65 / Full £146)

      • Secondary

        Take a look at the Secondary Assessment learning opportunities available to book:

        To search for a specific course, type the course title or keywords in the 'Find Learning' box.

        More Secondary courses coming soon!